Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Survived one week

I've now been in Bangalore for one week, and I'm so glad I had more than just three or four days to spend here! I've mostly been hanging out with old friends and meeting new people in this summer session 1 USAC batch.

One really fun time I had was going to Bollywood night at a hotel's club - They even played some songs I knew from last year!

I also went back to Commercial street and the market on Jainagar 4th block:

All the colors!! 💛💚💙❤️

Friday, June 6, 2014

Goodbye vegan diet, hello paneer!

When in India, there are just a few key things that I NEED to have, two of which require me to cheat on my vegan diet - paneer and streetside chai!

Yesterday my friend took me for butter masala paneer and naan to die for at the Hotel Empire in Bangalore.

Other things I've been up to besides eating good food and hanging out with old and new friends is getting reacquainted with the city - going to Forum mall, rickshawing everywhere, going to ladies night at Loveshack, and of course getting used to these wonderful smells:

Mmmmmm stray animals and raw sewage!

One place that we used to be regulars at is Mocha, a quaint cafe that stands between the USAC apartments and Forum mall. Currently, they're in the process of shooting a Karnataka film there (not a 'Bollywood' film, because it's a local production company). There were an unnecessary thirty or fourty people running around inside while my friend and I were peacefully sipping our smoothies and watching the commotion. While we were there, they were just shooting the same scene over and over again, apparently something funny in Kannada because they never failed to laugh at each take. Even a police officer came inside to witness the action, and probably see if he could play as an extra... Something I secretly hoped too :)

I tried to sneak a picture, apparently this guy is a locally almost-famous actor who my friend had seen on the big screen before.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Once again to India

I'm back in India!!!! After several speed bumps along the way, including all my flights getting delayed and one missed connection out of London, I finally made it to Bangalore again. I decided to keep posting on this blog, because I'm too lazy to make a new one! Yay! 

I was supposed to fly from Chicago to London, then straight to Bangalore, but I missed my flight and had to fly to Delhi instead. From Delhi I bought a new ticket to Bangalore, where i touched down around 8:30pm last night.

Delhi was a hazy and sweltering 117 degrees as my taxi driver told me when I was being driven from the Indira Gandhi international airport, to the domestic one.

Here's a picture of the mighty Ganges from my flight 

And the view of Bangalore from my friends apartment where I'm staying!!

Christ University, where I studied last summer, can be seen waaaay in the back!